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Library Trustee Minutes 05/09/2011
James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim, NH 04330

Board of Trustees Meeting
May 9th, 2011

Attendance: Trustees- Yvette Brinkley, Ron Haggett, Molly Moore Lazar, Margaret Warner                  Director- Kathryn Chisholm              

The agenda for tonight’s meeting was approved.

Election of Officers:

  • The officers for next year will be:
  • Chair- Margie Warner
  • Treasurer- Ron Haggett
  • Secretary- Molly Moore Lazar
Minutes of April 11th 2011 approved with one change.
Treasurer’s Report:

  • Ron Haggett gave the Treasurer’s report for April.
Library Director’s Report:

  • Kathy presented the director’s report.
  • The sprinkler system was tested on April 18th, 2011 and the fire alarms were tested on April 19th, 2011; everything is in good working order.
  • The Library will be closed on Monday, May 30th in observance of Memorial Day.
Information items:

  • Friends of the Library-Connie Vandervort has a list of ideas to present to Kathy.
  • State trustees workshops – June 7
  • State services for libraries-Kathy provided a list of the services offered by the state to libraries which will be posted on our website.
  • Circulation of electronic devices-the trustees looked at some information regarding the circulation of electronic devices and decided that it is not feasible or logical at this point in time. However, patrons who own their own electronic devices can use the library computer to download electronic books through the state library website and the staff will also be willing to try to help patrons with any trouble shooting on their own devices.
Old Business

  • Computer replacement-Kathy is planning to talk to Alan Treadwell soon regarding the replacement of both a desktop computer and a laptop. The trustees will invite him to the June 13th meeting via Kathy.
  • Security cameras-The trustees are still waiting to hear on this issue.
  • Roof repair-Melanson Co. will be coming Thursday, May 12th to inspect the roof to assess the current status before going ahead with the repairs that were budgeted for.
New Business

  • Town groundskeeper and landscaping issues-The trustees have agreed to keep our landscaping contract with Doug Hutchinson of Sunny Daze. The town groundskeeper, Peter Lamb will see to the mowing, raking and other needed clean up. We also discussed moving the shrubs away from the front of the library to a better location.
  • Staffing issues- April Weeks is being hired as a substitute to replace Lynn Lawrence who has become a part time employee. We may have to look into finding someone to work on Saturdays and for more substitutes.

Next meeting date: June 13, 2011